An Ode to My Mother

An Ode to My Mother

Nursing was the profession you chose for me.

But to be a lawyer was all I wanted to be.

An obedient daughter, I followed your plea.

Although nursing was not my cup of tea.

                                                                                                              Our capping day.

Challenged, I had to prove my worth.

Looked down upon, I hid my hurt.

“I’m doing this for you,” was all I thought.

Hopefully, this was not for naught!

As I progressed in nursing school,

I thought this was rather cool.

Taking care of patients, what a noble goal!

I set my heart on it, I was on a roll.

Graduation came, you were proud of me.

Last opportunity, it turned out to be.

For a month later, we rushed you to emergency.

You closed your eyes, never again to see!

Shook me to my core but move on, I’ve got to do.

To support my brothers, I had to go

To America with a heart full of woe.

Every tear shed, reminded me of you.

Each patient I encountered since then,

My hands and my heart I opened.

Care I offered, the best way I can,

Even if it just meant holding their hands.

                                                          My favorite kind of holding hands.  http://pexels-pixabay-451853

Nursing is a profession, I agree.

But more than that, it’s a calling, you see.

For one cannot just go through the role.

Heart, and soul, you’ve got to give it all!

Medical care may rapidly evolve.

With technology, concerns may be resolved.

But someone who can never be equaled,

Is a nurse who is committed and involved!

*This poem was written to honor my mother who was the one who dreamed to become a nurse.

She was the second daughter out of 11 siblings. Her father was a farmer and her mom was a market vendor. Stating that money was tight was an understatement for their family. At a young age, she and their eldest brother went to Borneo, Indonesia to earn money to augment the family’s income.

Long story short, she didn’t become a nurse. Honoring her memory is why I try to be the best nurse I can be day after day.

20 thoughts on “An Ode to My Mother

  1. First,congratulations Grace! I’ve been looking forward to this and here it is.
    I can very well relate to your story /poem as to how you became a Nurse. My Nanay also anointed me to be one even though I truly would want to be a teacher after high school. She won of course so here I am, taking care of the elderly which became my passion and mission in life here in Canada. Mother’s truly knows best, and probably they are all smiling at us wherever they are 😇

    1. Thank you, Yeng. I really appreciate all the encouragement. Maybe our Nanays knew something we didn’t know in our youth. They did direct us to the good life we have right now, so we are eternally thankful to all the mothers who look after their children whether in this life or the next.

  2. Congratulations Grace!
    This is one beautiful story ❤ . Looking forward to hear more from you and your Nursing perspective.

  3. Amazing Grace, that is what you are.
    In our generation we always obeyed what our parents thought was the best for us , your Mom was right, that is why success is easy for you to attain. Mothers know best !
    Congratulations .

  4. Beautiful Grace. I love the poem, well said. Nursing is more than a calling for sure. Giving our heart and a piece of our soul to this profession in all we do is not easy. This is not a profession for the weary hearted as we are the caretakers and the voice for those that need our help. Nursing is more than a job, one must truly care for others and their wellbeing.

    1. Thank you, Jen. Really appreciate it. I think it is important at times to reaffirm what we do, and it’s impact to people’s lives. This is even more significant for us who are not working at the bedside because we don’t have that instantaneous feedback from the recipients of our own brand of care!

  5. brought me to tears. my mom was an orphan at age 3 and was abandoned. She worked in the farm since then, and at age 12 she was a house maid while being a full time student. She always dreamt of becoming a nurse, but since she can’t, she hoped that one day, she’d have one of her kids as a nurse. She worked hard, ended up being a teacher, and I became a nurse. I live for my mom’s dream and she’ll always be my RNspiration.

    1. I love the RNspiration line. Thank you for sharing your inspiring story. I am pretty sure that your patients/clients are reaping the rewards of your mom’s sacrifices. Your being a nurse for sure continues to bring her honor and pride.

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