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Category: Advancing Nursing

Jack of All Trades

Jack of All Trades

This week’s post is a reflection on my new venture which is in the world of podcasting. Yes, I am an informatics nurse by the week, a blogger, a dog walker, and now a podcaster by the weekend. You may think that I have too much on my plate, to the point that you may consider me a jack of all trades. By the way, here is the first episode of that podcast: Honestly speaking, I didn’t think that…

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Lessons Learned from the EHR Upgrade

Lessons Learned from the EHR Upgrade

Ooops, I almost wrote Upgrace instead of Upgrade in the title. Pardon me. Hard habit to break, I guess, haha! Kidding aside, our team has been busier these few past weeks because of our scheduled electronic health record (EHR) system Summer Upgrade. Clinical informaticists from all of our sites have been working collaboratively with so many stakeholders to bring about this change. Analysts, principal trainers, information technology (IT) folks, hospital and system leaders, and vendor representatives are some of our…

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Four Types of Coping Mechanisms For Nursing Students

Four Types of Coping Mechanisms For Nursing Students

It is a known fact that nursing is a difficult course to pursue in college. As a nursing student, you have to deal with your academic subjects. Aside from that, you still have to learn and enhance the necessary skills to take care of the sick and well clients. It goes without saying therefore that you face many challenges, even struggles, throughout your college years. You have to develop coping mechanisms that you will utilize not only in school but…

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No Strange Things in Nursing Informatics

No Strange Things in Nursing Informatics

The American Nurses Association (ANA) has recognized nursing informatics as a specialty since 1992. Healthcare systems in first-world countries utilize informatics practitioners as part of daily practice. However, fellow nurses in developing countries may still not fully understand what nursing informatics truly is. For this reason, the graduate students of Central Philippine University conducted a webinar. They collaborated with Qualimed Iloilo. Its purpose was to demystify in a way the application of nursing informatics in Medical-Surgical settings. Additionally, they offered…

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Nurse Convicted: Sentenced to Probation

Nurse Convicted: Sentenced to Probation

RaDonda Vaught, the former Tennessee (TN) nurse, was sentenced to three-year probation yesterday. The jury of her peers found her guilty of two felonies related to a fatal medication error. Ms. Murphey died as a result of that error. Subsequently, the TN Board of Nursing revoked Vaught’s nursing license. Read more about the details of this case here, here, and here. Nurses who traveled to TN for this sentencing hailed the decision. Most of them claimed that she shouldn’t have…

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Nurses’ Week 2022 Edition

Nurses’ Week 2022 Edition

So another Nurses’ Week has come and gone! Congratulations to all of my nursing colleagues who work in the vast and varied fields of nursing practice. We have survived yet another challenging year in the constantly evolving healthcare milieu! All of us deserve a pat on the back. If you have not heard it this week, please allow me to be the cheerleader who will sing your praises to the high heavens! Each one of you has exemplified what it…

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Nursing through a Computer Screen

Nursing through a Computer Screen

We have established in the previous post that it is indeed hard to be a nurse, yet be so far from our loved ones. This is more so true when those family members are in need of healthcare. Our nursing instincts kick in almost instantaneously and we want updates every step of the way. We feel that despite our absence, we still need to have our say. Thus, we turn to the computer screen to continue our life-saving crusade! The…

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Dear New Nurse

Dear New Nurse

Five Important Lessons Worth Sharing with the New Nurses in Your Life It’s almost graduation season again. Pretty soon we will have new graduates joining the workforce. And you…Yes, YOU! You are a new nurse! Congratulations! *For those who prefer to listen to this content via a podcast, here is the link: You made it despite juggling between your clinicals and academics. Heck, you may even have had to budget your time between your schoolwork, a part-time working gig, and…

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How Important is Mental Health to Nurses?

How Important is Mental Health to Nurses?

As nurses, it is inherent for us to listen to our patients’, clients’, and even our colleagues’ needs. We firmly believe that taking care of their mental health is just as important as tending to their physical health. With that being said, how do nurses take care of our own mental health? Service-centered Profession Nursing is both a science and an art. Nurses learn the latest and the best evidence-based science and apply them to practice. However, it is not…

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Nurse Convicted: Five Reasons Why It Could Be Me

Nurse Convicted: Five Reasons Why It Could Be Me

So much has already been written and said about RaDonda Vaught. She was the nurse convicted in Tennessee. The conviction was because she gave the wrong medication that caused a patient’s death. In this blog, we have already explored the implications of this case to the profession. We have also analyzed the systemic factors that may have contributed to the series of mistakes. However, isn’t it worth reflecting on the five reasons why it could also happen to us? Reason…

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