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Category: Advancing Nursing

10 Common Struggles Nursing Students Face

10 Common Struggles Nursing Students Face

Nurses are known the world over as lifelong learners. We consider ourselves students for life. Starting from our prerequisite subjects like Anatomy and Physiology, we already know that we will continue to be learning as we progress in practice. Having said that, I honestly believe that these academic struggles are more pronounced as undergrad nursing students. How so? Read on… Knowledge, Skills, and Attitude 1. Coping with schoolwork whether in person or online. Nursing school is no joke. An aspiring…

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Nursing Practice Through the Decades

Nursing Practice Through the Decades

This week marks 29 years after our class graduation from nursing school. I couldn’t help but reminisce how much we have evolved in our nursing practice all throughout these years. This post most probably will not encapsulate the true image of nursing practice for the past three decades. Nevertheless, let me share with you what my experiences have been. The Paulinian Brand of Nursing Practice As I have shared in one of my previous posts, I was educated the Paulinian…

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Nursing Certification: Does it Really Matter?

Nursing Certification: Does it Really Matter?

Nurses have always been thought of as lifelong learners by nature. We continue to keep up with the changes as our practice continuously evolve. One way of doing this is through certification. Certification attests to one’s skills, knowledge, and professionalism in nursing or in any other field. So to answer the question, yes, certification in nursing really matters! Why Certify? Nurses hone and develop their skills and knowledge through hands-on practice and learning about the latest innovations in their respective…

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How I Earned a Master’s degree on the Cheap

How I Earned a Master’s degree on the Cheap

Fellow nurses may see this headline and shake their heads. Is it really possible to earn an advanced degree inexpensively? Sure, it is! The dream of earning an advanced degree has lingered in my mind for the longest time. However, I made up a lot of excuses that effectively kept me from pursuing it. Truth be told, it was the anticipated financial burden that made me decide to set that dream aside. I rationalized that I was happy where I…

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How to Complete an MSN While Working a Full-Time Job

How to Complete an MSN While Working a Full-Time Job

Completing an MSN while working a full-time job, is that even possible? The short answer is “Yes, you sure can!” How to do that, you ask? Let me share with you my experience. Nurses as Lifelong Learners One of the cornerstones of nursing is evidence-based practice. Nurses, therefore, cannot afford to remain stagnant. As much as nursing is dynamic, nurses, too, have to continue evolving and improving. Learning takes so many different forms. Nurses, for example, keep up with the…

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Five Common Reasons Why Nurses Don’t Go Back to School

Five Common Reasons Why Nurses Don’t Go Back to School

Although the desire to learn is there, some nurses hit the pause button when it comes to going back to school and earning advanced degrees. To some who are not in the field, this may be baffling. However, most of us have convenient excuses. Let’s explore the five common reasons why nurses don’t prioritize going back to school. 1. Time Constraints “I don’t have the time.” How often do we hear nurses use this as a crutch? Believe me, I…

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The Best Values Inculcated by my Paulinian Education

The Best Values Inculcated by my Paulinian Education

Why Am I a Paulinian? I enrolled at St Paul College of Iloilo just to appease my mother, as it was her lifelong dream for me to become a nurse. Little did she know that I was hatching a selfish plan. I was going to flunk all of my subjects during the first term, tell her that I tried my best, and say that maybe nursing is not for me. Until one day in Chemistry, that is… Did I tell…

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Why is Nursing One of the Best Courses to Take Up in College?

Why is Nursing One of the Best Courses to Take Up in College?

So, you are considering taking up nursing in college or contemplating joining the workforce. Congratulations! In this current state of healthcare, if you are a nursing graduate there is a job waiting for you! Global Need for Nurses In 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) has estimated that there are 28 million nurses all over the world. Furthermore, the same report mentioned that by 2030, at least six (6) million more nurses will be needed to take care of the…

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