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Category: Podcast Season 2

These are the podcast published in the second year of content.

Soliloquy: Gratitude for the Blessings of the Past Year

Soliloquy: Gratitude for the Blessings of the Past Year

Cliche as it may seem, when people ask me what I did for Christmas, I unashamedly say: “I slept and watched TV.” My line of work requires the use of many brain cells at a time. For that reason, sleep and the opportunity to be idle are blessings that are often overlooked. One of the movies that Mico and I watched was  Dreamwork’s Kung Fu Panda. There, Master Oogway stated: Quit, don’t quit… Noodles, don’t noodles… You are too concerned…

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Can I really afford a graduate degree?

Can I really afford a graduate degree?

Filipino nurses have been stereotyped as bedside nurses, especially in Western countries. This may have been one of the reasons why despite comprising only 4% of the total healthcare workers, it is estimated that at least 25% of the COVID-19 mortality among the nursing profession in the United States (US) are Filipinos. The majority opt to remain in that role as they can work overtime and make more money that way. For this reason, fewer from our ranks are pursuing…

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A Lifelong Learner

A Lifelong Learner

This year marks my and my Fidelis Christi Mariae 1993 college classmates’ 30th year as Paulinian nurses. Maybe for that reason, I am a little bit introspective and reflective as I think back on our years in the storied halls of St. Paul College of Iloilo. Those four years were never walks in parks. In fact, they were hard, challenging, and at times, maddening. Nevertheless, I appreciated every skill, knowledge, and attitude (values) I learned from the sisters and our…

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Taking Care of One’s Mental Health

Taking Care of One’s Mental Health

First off, let me start with an apology since I have not posted anything lately. For whatever reason, I am going through writer’s mental block. For those of you who personally know me, you may think that I always have something to say, yet I cannot articulate it through an article. So uncharacteristic of me, right? By the way, here are the podcast links: and Well, I have started writing about a variety of topics lately. Yet, I never felt…

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Five Things to Consider to Become a Nurse Informaticist 

Five Things to Consider to Become a Nurse Informaticist 

So many nurses these days are asking about nursing informatics opportunities. These nurses come from different backgrounds and specialties. Some are bedside clinicians who may have had enough of working short-staffed shift after shift. Others are advanced practice nurses who are looking to venture into other fields. What is surprising to me is a handful of travel nurses who have expressed willingness to let go of their high-paying travel assignments in exchange for getting into the narrow door leading to…

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“Operation Nightingale” and its Implication to Nursing

“Operation Nightingale” and its Implication to Nursing

Every nurse in the world knows who Florence Nightingale is. Otherwise known as the “Lady with the Lamp,” she was credited as the founder of modern nursing. Her environmental theory helped soldiers who fought in the Crimean War recover. That very theory included seven assumptions. One of which is: Nursing requires a specific educational base. So what has that got to do with “Operation Nightingale” you may ask? Or better yet, what is it? By the way, here are the…

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Work Benefit and Nursing Certification Exam

Work Benefit and Nursing Certification Exam

Unashamedly, I am still in Cloud Nine after passing my most recent nursing certification in the field of informatics. I feel empowered to inspire others which in turn brings me pure unadulterated joy. I don’t mind sharing my preparation and test-taking strategies with colleagues or even complete strangers. Honestly, I feel that paying it forward is my way of doing homage to my mentors who helped me pass my own exam. A nursing certification does not come cheap. Applying for…

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Ten Unique Things About a Paulinian Nurse

Ten Unique Things About a Paulinian Nurse

What is a Paulinian nurse? A colleague once told me that a nurse is a nurse, no matter what. That may be true up to a certain extent. Also, I am not insinuating that we are better than others in any way. However, in the light of this week, being Holy Week, I want to honor my Paulinian roots which make me the nurse that I am today. By the way, here is the link to the podcast: Guided by our…

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Things to Know Before Migrating to the U.S. as a Nurse

Things to Know Before Migrating to the U.S. as a Nurse

It is global knowledge that healthcare systems all over the world has an increased demand for nurses. The United States Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) projects that there is a need for about 194,500 nurses per year until 2030. As states struggle to fill those needs due to nursing shortages, they look to hire foreign nurses for those positions. If you meet the requirements to practice in one of the states, here are some things to consider prior to migrating…

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