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Tag: clinicians

A Lifelong Learner

A Lifelong Learner

This year marks my and my Fidelis Christi Mariae 1993 college classmates’ 30th year as Paulinian nurses. Maybe for that reason, I am a little bit introspective and reflective as I think back on our years in the storied halls of St. Paul College of Iloilo. Those four years were never walks in parks. In fact, they were hard, challenging, and at times, maddening. Nevertheless, I appreciated every skill, knowledge, and attitude (values) I learned from the sisters and our…

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The Anatomy of an Informatics Nursing Certification

The Anatomy of an Informatics Nursing Certification

Some people may think that obtaining a nursing certification in this day and age of dire nursing shortage is both a waste of time and money. After all, due to desperate needs, even Magnet organizations are willing to relax their Bachelor of Science in Nursing preference just to fill that critical bedside position asap. So, really, why would one want to pursue earning certifications if they don’t add value to one’s professional portfolio? The link to the podcast can be…

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Lessons Learned from the EHR Upgrade

Lessons Learned from the EHR Upgrade

Ooops, I almost wrote Upgrace instead of Upgrade in the title. Pardon me. Hard habit to break, I guess, haha! Kidding aside, our team has been busier these few past weeks because of our scheduled electronic health record (EHR) system Summer Upgrade. Clinical informaticists from all of our sites have been working collaboratively with so many stakeholders to bring about this change. Analysts, principal trainers, information technology (IT) folks, hospital and system leaders, and vendor representatives are some of our…

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