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Tag: Covid

Nursing in the time of Covid: NICU Edition

Nursing in the time of Covid: NICU Edition

The whole world was upended by the Covid 19 pandemic early in 2020. While hospitals have dealt with previous infectious disease outbreaks such as SARS bird flu and Ebola, nobody could have predicted the havoc that the Covid 19 pandemic brought to healthcare and its practitioners. Truly it has made an indelible mark in nursing practice, even in the provision of care to the littlest patients in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). How did covid affect our Level 3…

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Why is Nursing One of the Best Courses to Take Up in College?

Why is Nursing One of the Best Courses to Take Up in College?

So, you are considering taking up nursing in college or contemplating joining the workforce. Congratulations! In this current state of healthcare, if you are a nursing graduate there is a job waiting for you! Global Need for Nurses In 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) has estimated that there are 28 million nurses all over the world. Furthermore, the same report mentioned that by 2030, at least six (6) million more nurses will be needed to take care of the…

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