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Tag: education

“Operation Nightingale” and its Implication to Nursing

“Operation Nightingale” and its Implication to Nursing

Every nurse in the world knows who Florence Nightingale is. Otherwise known as the “Lady with the Lamp,” she was credited as the founder of modern nursing. Her environmental theory helped soldiers who fought in the Crimean War recover. That very theory included seven assumptions. One of which is: Nursing requires a specific educational base. So what has that got to do with “Operation Nightingale” you may ask? Or better yet, what is it? By the way, here are the…

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Work Benefit and Nursing Certification Exam

Work Benefit and Nursing Certification Exam

Unashamedly, I am still in Cloud Nine after passing my most recent nursing certification in the field of informatics. I feel empowered to inspire others which in turn brings me pure unadulterated joy. I don’t mind sharing my preparation and test-taking strategies with colleagues or even complete strangers. Honestly, I feel that paying it forward is my way of doing homage to my mentors who helped me pass my own exam. A nursing certification does not come cheap. Applying for…

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Providing Education to the Future Nurse

Providing Education to the Future Nurse

Students officially started school in the last couple of weeks. Most are excited to go back to face-to-face instructions instead of learning via a screen or modules, as the case may be. The same excitement applies to our student nurses, who may be, aside from their academic subjects, doing their hands-on clinicals for the very first time. In this post-pandemic world, just what is the effective education modality for our future nurses? Or are we thriving in the hybrid in-person…

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How I Earned a Master’s degree on the Cheap

How I Earned a Master’s degree on the Cheap

Fellow nurses may see this headline and shake their heads. Is it really possible to earn an advanced degree inexpensively? Sure, it is! The dream of earning an advanced degree has lingered in my mind for the longest time. However, I made up a lot of excuses that effectively kept me from pursuing it. Truth be told, it was the anticipated financial burden that made me decide to set that dream aside. I rationalized that I was happy where I…

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The Best Values Inculcated by my Paulinian Education

The Best Values Inculcated by my Paulinian Education

Why Am I a Paulinian? I enrolled at St Paul College of Iloilo just to appease my mother, as it was her lifelong dream for me to become a nurse. Little did she know that I was hatching a selfish plan. I was going to flunk all of my subjects during the first term, tell her that I tried my best, and say that maybe nursing is not for me. Until one day in Chemistry, that is… Did I tell…

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Why is Nursing One of the Best Courses to Take Up in College?

Why is Nursing One of the Best Courses to Take Up in College?

So, you are considering taking up nursing in college or contemplating joining the workforce. Congratulations! In this current state of healthcare, if you are a nursing graduate there is a job waiting for you! Global Need for Nurses In 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) has estimated that there are 28 million nurses all over the world. Furthermore, the same report mentioned that by 2030, at least six (6) million more nurses will be needed to take care of the…

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UpGrace: A Tropically-Flavored Nursing Blog

UpGrace: A Tropically-Flavored Nursing Blog

UpGrace is my personal attempt to marry the fact that I am working in the field of nursing, yet I have a heart of a writer! The tropical attribute comes from the fact that I am a proudly Philippine-educated nurse. There is no wonder then why I have a very firm foundation on which I have built my almost three-decade nursing career. And yes, I finally took that all too important first step – I am actually starting this blog!…

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