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Tag: foreign nurses

Culture Shock: It Does Exist in Nursing Practice Too

Culture Shock: It Does Exist in Nursing Practice Too

My former manager said that a nurse is a nurse regardless of where he or she practices. Of course, this partly refers to our ability to flex and float to another unit. However, if you look at it from an immigrant nurse’s perspective, it could also mean that you are able to practice as a nurse no matter what country you are in. However, the opposite is true. Yes, culture shock does exist in nursing jobs, too. Below are the…

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UpGrace: A Tropically-Flavored Nursing Blog

UpGrace: A Tropically-Flavored Nursing Blog

UpGrace is my personal attempt to marry the fact that I am working in the field of nursing, yet I have a heart of a writer! The tropical attribute comes from the fact that I am a proudly Philippine-educated nurse. There is no wonder then why I have a very firm foundation on which I have built my almost three-decade nursing career. And yes, I finally took that all too important first step – I am actually starting this blog!…

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