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Tag: nursing certification

Work Benefit and Nursing Certification Exam

Work Benefit and Nursing Certification Exam

Unashamedly, I am still in Cloud Nine after passing my most recent nursing certification in the field of informatics. I feel empowered to inspire others which in turn brings me pure unadulterated joy. I don’t mind sharing my preparation and test-taking strategies with colleagues or even complete strangers. Honestly, I feel that paying it forward is my way of doing homage to my mentors who helped me pass my own exam. A nursing certification does not come cheap. Applying for…

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Preparing for a (Really) Hard Nursing Informatics Examination

Preparing for a (Really) Hard Nursing Informatics Examination

Are you like me who shudders at the thought of taking an examination? I consider myself a decent test-taker. However, that does not change the fact that I find the prospect of taking a test intimidating. This anxiety increases tenfold if it has something to do with consequential exams such as those that are required by my job or those that may be professionally beneficial in the future. So, what is a girl to do? If you answered that good…

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The Anatomy of an Informatics Nursing Certification

The Anatomy of an Informatics Nursing Certification

Some people may think that obtaining a nursing certification in this day and age of dire nursing shortage is both a waste of time and money. After all, due to desperate needs, even Magnet organizations are willing to relax their Bachelor of Science in Nursing preference just to fill that critical bedside position asap. So, really, why would one want to pursue earning certifications if they don’t add value to one’s professional portfolio? The link to the podcast can be…

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Nursing Certification: Does it Really Matter?

Nursing Certification: Does it Really Matter?

Nurses have always been thought of as lifelong learners by nature. We continue to keep up with the changes as our practice continuously evolve. One way of doing this is through certification. Certification attests to one’s skills, knowledge, and professionalism in nursing or in any other field. So to answer the question, yes, certification in nursing really matters! Why Certify? Nurses hone and develop their skills and knowledge through hands-on practice and learning about the latest innovations in their respective…

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