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Tag: reflection

The Year That Was

The Year That Was

I often envisioned 2022 as a banner year! For one, this was supposedly my “Goldie” year. Well, I actually meant golden, but for those of you who may not know, my paternal side of the family used to call me Goldie. In fact, some of my childhood friends still call me that to this day.  Why, you ask? I am my paternal grandparents’ first grandchild who carried the last name Oro. Spanish 101: Oro is the Spanish word for gold, hence Goldie!…

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Reflective Practice Narrative

Reflective Practice Narrative

As nurses, we could be robotic in our practice. What do I mean by that? We are just being mechanical instead of purposeful in our practice. It is therefore a welcome change if we stop for a moment and reflect on what we accomplished for the day. Moreover, it is significant to evaluate the impact of our actions on our patients’ lives, no matter how small they may be. A Premature Baby with Congenital Anomalies For my reflective practice narrative,…

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