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Tag: scholarship

Can I really afford a graduate degree?

Can I really afford a graduate degree?

Filipino nurses have been stereotyped as bedside nurses, especially in Western countries. This may have been one of the reasons why despite comprising only 4% of the total healthcare workers, it is estimated that at least 25% of the COVID-19 mortality among the nursing profession in the United States (US) are Filipinos. The majority opt to remain in that role as they can work overtime and make more money that way. For this reason, fewer from our ranks are pursuing…

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How I Earned a Master’s degree on the Cheap

How I Earned a Master’s degree on the Cheap

Fellow nurses may see this headline and shake their heads. Is it really possible to earn an advanced degree inexpensively? Sure, it is! The dream of earning an advanced degree has lingered in my mind for the longest time. However, I made up a lot of excuses that effectively kept me from pursuing it. Truth be told, it was the anticipated financial burden that made me decide to set that dream aside. I rationalized that I was happy where I…

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